Process intensification
Process intensification | process intensification | processintensification
For the Energy transition requires innovative technologies that make the processes many times more effective (more targeted) and efficient (the shortest route) than was previously the case.
In the world of process technology, this is called process intensification (PI). In Dutch, it is translated as process intensification or process intensification (the scholars are not entirely agreed on what the correct translation is, but that’s beside the point). The philosophy of process intensification is traditionally characterised as: smaller, cheaper and safer. It is defined as the development of new equipment and technologies that are expected to bring substantial improvements to production processes, lead to substantial downsizing of equipment, and result in substantially lower energy and raw material consumption and waste generation(Stankiewicz Moulijn, 2000). By reducing the size of the equipment and/or combining a chemical reaction and a separation in one device, you can come close to the ideal conditions of a chemical or physical process. An example is a membrane reactor, where the molecules are first separated by the membrane, and then very efficiently undergo a chemical reaction in the reactor.
Another example of PI technology is used in distillation: the dividing wall column. In this distillation tower, two distillation towers are pushed into each other, as it were. As a result, the investment can be about 30% lower than in a conventional system. The same applies to energy consumption; through heat integration, some 30-40% can be saved compared to a normal conventional system. So that is what is meant by substantial.
Our Technology Transfer does what it promises: make you aware of the existence of these new breakthrough technologies and see what they can do for your production process.
are applied. We believe that this paradigm shift is necessary in the energy transition, but becomes much more realistic if you first save energy or optimise the process.