We are pro6com

Pro6com is not just a consultancy agency that makes plants safer and more efficient. We prefer to call ourselves resultants. These are consultants who help to achieve the result.

From Vlaardingen we work for the chemical industry, innovative start-ups, and knowledge institutions with complex production processes. We make the invisible process safety risks visible. We show where unnecessary energy is used. And we bridge the gap between innovation and the existing industry.

» We create value for our customers by making their invisible process safety risks and energy or production losses visible. This allows targeted actions to be taken to reduce these risks and optimise plant performance.

We do this by focusing on the entire process safety lifecycle. We carry out safety studies, design the protective layers and help to test their operation against the practical situation.

“Creating a better world by making processes safer and more efficient”

The pro6com team

Meet our team

Six people have seen that it is quite a challenge to keep up with the latest safety standards. That a better result can be achieved with less energy and raw materials. And that it really is an art to turn an idea into a fully-fledged production process.

Enrico Lammers


  • 25+ years of process and operations engineering and consultancy experience in the chemical industry.

  • Optimisation of plants for quality and safety control, cost and energy reduction and capacity expansion. Troubleshooting, incident investigation and RD

  • Commissioning and start-up experience in large petrochemical plants

  • “I believe that conducting studies alone does not make a plant safer or more efficient and therefore I do not only focus on the studies themselves, but also on the implementation of the recommendations from these studies. That is why I am called a resultant rather than a consultant”

Jan Hartlief


  • 40 years hands-on experience as Functional Safety and Controls Instrumentation engineer in the chemical and oil industry

  • TÜV Rheinland Functional Safety Engineer SIS and Machine Safety

  • Process control, (Functional) Safety Assessments, aeShield® expert, SIL, Cause Effect and Testprocedures. Total Safety Life cycle. IEC61511, IEC61508 en IEC62061

  • “By conducting interviews and asking the right questions, I am able to carry out a full Safety Assessment in a plant in a short period of time. You immediately have insight into where the non-compliance issues are and how you can solve them.

Remco van Lenthe


  • 8 years process and design experience in the process industry

  • Optimisation of heat calculations. Process optimisation of offshore and utilities projects. Process engineering of management of change on pilot plants and other technical installations. Experience with biogas plants and pilot plants.

  • “With my no-nonsense mentality, by zooming in on the installation I quickly get to the heart of the matter.

Michelle Liebregts


  • Process engineering and optimisation. Affinity with fluid dynamics and thermodynamics.

  • Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering

  • “I have never done it before, so I think I can do it. This quote is written on my body. I am eager to learn and I do not shy away from challenges.

Madelien Tjokrodikoro


  • 13 years of experience in office management and customer relations

  • Finance facturatie
  • “I am the quiet force in the background and the regulator who ensures that everything runs smoothly at pro6com.

Dimitri Quist


  • Al ruim 25 jaar ervaring met kwaliteit, ARBO, milieu en (proces-)veiligheidsmanagement binnen de productie, (petro-)chemie en offshore industrie.

  • Ingenieur Milieu/omgevingsrecht, RvA/UKAS erkend Lead auditor QHSE en veiligheidskundige.

  • HAZOP leader, PSSR assessments, BowTieXP Practitioner facilitator, incident onderzoek (RCA Tripod) en SEVESO/BRZO assessments.

  • “Door mijn brede multidisciplinaire achtergrond ben ik in staat om een organisatie en/of proces in een kort tijdsbestek te doorgronden. Op basis van mijn analyses ontdek ik de sterke en zwakke punten en kan ik daaraan vervolgens de juiste disciplines personen koppelen om tot een betere organisatie of optimalere proces te komen”

Helène Wuts


  • 20+ years of Functional Safety and Process Engineering experience in process and chemical industry

  • TÜV Rheinland Functional Safety Engineer SIS and Machine safety

  • Specializing in the application of IEC 61511 in the chemical industry. SIL Verifications and calculation, Functional Safety Assessments, Field Verification, Safety Requirement Specifications and preparation of proof test procedures.

  • “I have found that it is important to go through all the steps in the Safety Life Cycle and that with the design of a Safety feature alone, a plant does not become safer.”

Lourens du Plessis

Functional safety process control engineer

  • 20+ years of Functional Safety and Process Engineering experience in process and chemical industry

  • TÜV Rheinland Functional Safety Engineer SIS

  • Specializing in the application of IEC 61511 in the chemical industry. SIL Verifications and calculation, Functional Safety Assessments, Field Verification, Safety Requirement Specifications and preparation of proof test procedures.

  • Devising process control safeguarding philosophies

  • “I particularly enjoy the challenges involved in implementing IEC 61511 in existing plants because it requires a good understanding of customer needs, together with a deeper knowledge of process technology and functional safety principles.”

Niels Warning

Process engineer

  • Specialized in Process engineering and optimization. Affinity with process safety and the energy transition.

  • Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering

  • “If I had to describe myself in a few words I do things with passion, I am curious and will always strive for a high level. These traits often allow me to come up with great solutions”

Enrico Lammers


  • 25+ years of process and operations engineering and consultancy experience in the chemical industry.

  • Optimisation of plants for quality and safety control, cost and energy reduction and capacity expansion. Troubleshooting, incident investigation and RD
  • Commissioning and start-up experience in large petrochemical plants

  • “I believe that conducting studies alone does not make a plant safer or more efficient and therefore I do not only focus on the studies themselves, but also on the implementation of the recommendations from these studies. That is why I am called a resultant rather than a consultant”

Jan Hartlief


  • 40 years hands-on experience as Functional Safety and Controls Instrumentation engineer in the chemical and oil industry

  • TÜV Rheinland Functional Safety Engineer SIS and Machine Safety

  • Process control, (Functional) Safety Assessments, aeShield® expert, SIL, Cause Effect and Testprocedures. Total Safety Life cycle. IEC61511, IEC61508 en IEC62061
  • “By conducting interviews and asking the right questions, I am able to carry out a full Safety Assessment in a plant in a short period of time. You immediately have insight into where the non-compliance issues are and how you can solve them.

Remco van Lenthe


  • 8 years process and design experience in the process industry

  • Optimisation of heat calculations. Process optimisation of offshore and utilities projects. Process engineering of management of change on pilot plants and other technical installations. Experience with biogas plants and pilot plants.
  • “With my no-nonsense mentality, by zooming in on the installation I quickly get to the heart of the matter.

Michelle Liebregts


  • Process engineering and optimisation. Affinity with fluid dynamics and thermodynamics.

  • Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering

  • “I have never done it before, so I think I can do it. This quote is written on my body. I am eager to learn and I do not shy away from challenges.

Madelien Tjokrodikoro


  • 13 years of experience in office management and customer relations

  • Finance, invoicing and project coordination

  • “I am the quiet force in the background and the regulator who ensures that everything runs smoothly at pro6com.

Helène Wuts


  • 20+ years of Functional Safety and Process Engineering experience in process and chemical industry

  • TÜV Rheinland Functional Safety Engineer SIS and Machine safety

  • Specializing in the application of IEC 61511 in the chemical industry. SIL Verifications and calculation, Functional Safety Assessments, Field Verification, Safety Requirement Specifications and preparation of proof test procedures.

  • “I have found that it is important to go through all the steps in the Safety Life Cycle and that with the design of a Safety feature alone, a plant does not become safer.”

Niels Warning


  • Specialized in Process engineering and optimization. Affinity with process safety and the energy transition.

  • Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering

  • “If I had to describe myself in a few words I do things with passion, I am curious and will always strive for a high level. These traits often allow me to come up with great solutions”

Lourens du Plessis


  • 20+ years of Functional Safety and Process Engineering experience in process and chemical industry

  • TÜV Rheinland Functional Safety Engineer SIS

  • Specializing in the application of IEC 61511 in the petrochemical industry. SIL verifications and calculation, Functional Safety Assessments, Prior use assessments, Safety Requirement Specifications and preparation of proof test procedures.

  • Devising process control safeguarding philosophies

  • “I particularly enjoy the challenges involved in implementing IEC 61511 in existing plants because it requires a good understanding of customer needs, together with a deeper knowledge of process technology and functional safety principles.”